Iceland Volcano Marathon

Iceland Volcano Marathon -833-285-799

    24 august 2024

Be a force of nature!

Run this epic race in one of Earth’s geological hotspots!
Iceland Dettifoss Waterfall Person 006 SS-966

Set near Lake Mývatn at the divergent boundaries of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, the route will run directly on the North Volcanic Zone. It’s a hot bed of geothermal activity with geysers, hot springs, lava fields and glaciers – what’s more, the volcanic zone is still very much active.

With the massive Hverfjall crater at the center of the route, runners will pass through soft, black volcano sand, run next to geysers in the Martian-red geothermal area of Namarskard and cross the plains of lava rock and minor volcano craters.

Entry is in combination with a package offering one night in Reykjavík and four nights in Mývatn or Húsavík, giving you ample opportunity to indulge in this otherworldly landscape, visit Europe’s largest waterfall, hike through the castle-like lava formations of Dimmuborgir, and relax in an underground heated lagoon. Traveling to Mývatn is a bit like traveling back billions of years to the origins of Earth.

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